The School of Communication and Media Studies engages with society, developing projects in partnership with various entities. Our cooperation and collaboration places a special emphasis on the topic of Social Responsibility. All projects involve the participation of students and reflect the organizational culture of the School.
The ‘Engagement with Society’ projects, of great social and academic relevance, came into being within the framework of the protocols of cooperation that ESCS establishes with various companies and they are carried out by course subjects or by the School.
Here are some examples of the projects already developed:
Project: "Consignação 2020" Campaign
Partner: APAV (Portuguese Association for Victim Support)
Description: Final year students of the undergraduate course Advertising and Marketing were challenged to create an awareness campaign for APAV (Portuguese Association for Victim Support) highlighting the tax consignment.
Technical Fact Sheet
Subjects: Advertising Research Workshop; Agency Workshop
Course: Advertising and Marketing - Advertising branch (undergraduate course)
Academic Year: 2018-2019
Lecturers: Ana Cristina Antunes, João Barros, Nuno Melo da Silva, and Rosário Correia
Students: Ana Faria, Clarisse Dias, Cláudia Fortes, Inês Santos, João Pereira, and Rita Pequeno de Oliveira
Take a look at the project here.
Project: Institutional Video "Dilemas de ética no desporto"
Partner: IPDJ (Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth), for PNED (National Plan for Ethics in Sport)
Description: ESCS students developed the institutional video "Dilemas de ética no desporto" (Ethical Dilemmas in Sport) in the context of the existing partnership between ESCS and the IPDJ (Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth) – a video commissioned by PNED (National Plan of Ethics in Sports) to promote ethical values in sport.
See the article on the project (in Portuguese) here.
Project: Institutional Video "40 anos do Provedor de Justiça"
Partner: Provedor de Justiça (Portuguese Ombudsman)
Description: ESCS students developed the institutional video "40 anos do Provedor de Justiça” (40 years of the Ombudsman) in the context of the existing partnership between ESCS and the Portuguese Ombudsman. The video commemorates the 40th anniversary of the Ombudsman.
See the article on the project (in Portuguese) here.
Project: Receiving / Perceiving English Literature
Partners: Entities: ESCS, ESHTE, FAL-UBI, FLUL-UL, and FA-UL
Description: Receiving / Perceiving English Literature is an experimental and trans-disciplinary academic and cultural programme focused on the multi-sensory forms of English literature interpretation in the Digital Age. In the academic year 2018/2018, the project, which had already addressed authors such as William Blake, Angela Carter, and William Shakespeare, focused on Jane Austen. Students from the ESCS and four other higher education schools (Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies, Faculty of Arts and Letters of the University of Beira Interior, Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon and Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon) were challenged to participate with works developed in various subjects. The results were presented in the exhibition Jane Austen 2.00 (Library of the Faculty of Letters, 8th - 20th April, 2019).
See the article about the project (in Portuguese) here.
Project: Audiovisual coverage of Futurália
Partner: Futurália – Oferta Educativa, Formação e Empregabilidade
Description: ESCS has been an institutional partner of Futurália — Educational Offer, Training and Employability since 2019, having carried out the audiovisual coverage of the fair in 2019, 2018, 2017, 2015, and 2014. Futurália, in turn, assigns a stand to ESCS in which the representatives (students) of the School’s extracurricular activities and of the Students Union provide hands-on experience to the visitors.
Article on Futurália 2019 (in Portuguese) here.
Article on Futurália 2018 (in Portuguese) here.
Article on Futurália 2017 (in Portuguese) here.
Article on Futurália 2015 (in Portuguese) here.
Article on Futurália 2014 (in Portuguese) here.
Project: Communication & Advocacy Learning Lab
Partners: ESCS, FEC and Norsensus Mediaforum

Description: The School of Communication and Media Studies, the first institution in Portugal to do research in the field of Public Interest Media and Advocacy, has joined efforts with the FEC (Fundação Fé e Cooperación) and with the Norsensus Mediaforum to promote CALL – Communication & Advocacy Learning Lab, a training program anchored in Communication and focused on Advocacy.
This project is supported by the Programa Cidadãos Ativ@s/Active Citizens Fund, financed by EEA Grants and managed, in Portugal, by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Bissaya Barreto Foundation. It will empower 28 civil society organizations that play an important role in social transformation due to their proximity to, and mobilization of, communities and their contributions to the definition of public policies.
ESCS teachers involved in the project will promote a series of training courses (Media Training Course for NGO; Communication for Behaviour and Social Change Course; From Empowerment to Advocacy for Social Change Course) and take part in the Advocacy Bootcamp 'From impossible to I'mPOSSIBLE'.
This is an initiative of the Public Relations and Organizational Communication department (RPCO) and stems from the Research Project “Communication in Civil Society Organizations: from Knowledge to Recognition”, developed in 2016.
Read the article on the launch of the book Comunicação e Organizações da Sociedade Civil: Conhecimento e Reconhecimento (in Portuguese) here.
Project Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership: “Researching the city: mapping imaginaries” (IMAGE) | Project No. 2020-1-NL01-KA203-064774 (2020-2023)
A consortium of 5 Higher Education Institutes is developing a new research and didactical method with funding from the Erasmus+ programme: IMAGE – Researching the city: Mapping Imaginaries.
The partners are: Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences The Netherlands, Ramon Lull University Barcelona Spain, Ecole Supérieure de Gestion de Commerce, Paris France, University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna Austria and Escola Superior de Comunicação Social at Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa Portugal. Moreover, at least 10 city partners in the 5 cities are also involved as associate partners.
This new approach uses mapping tools to bring attention to the peripheral, often neglected, areas of our cities and maps them as enclaves of dynamism and creativity. With this method students are trained to actively search for information and stimulating critical thinking.
Students work with city partners such as city council, inhabitants, citizens initiatives and local cultural organisations and companies on real life societal challenges. In interdisciplinary and intercultural settings they share their research findings with colleague students abroad in this way enhancing the solutions to include knowledge and experience from other cities.
For further information, visit
e-Magazine “Mapping Imaginaries”:
• #0: [BROWSE]
• #1: [BROWSE]
Read the article on the project IMAGE (in Portuguese) here.