ESCS and ESTeSL, in partnership with the magazine Marketing Farmacêutico (Pharmaceutical Marketing) and with the support of Jaba Recordati and the Infarmed, present the new post-graduation course in Communication and Marketing in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
ESCS and the Lisbon School of Health Technology (ESTeSL), in partnership with the magazine Marketing Farmacêutico [Pharmaceutical Marketing] and with the support of Jaba Recordati and the Infarmed, present the new post-graduation course in Communication and Marketing in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
This post-graduation course brings the academy closer to the business world, combining the theoretical/conceptual and practical/experimental dimensions in a single training programme. This course was created to meet the pharmaceutical industry’s needs for knowledge and skills in communication and marketing.
The course consists of two semesters (60 ECTS) and awards a Postgraduation Diploma in Communication and Marketing in the Pharmaceutical Industry. The course structure is composed of ten core and two elective subjects.
Course coordination:
Coordinator: João Barros
Sub-coordinators: André Coelho (ESTeSL) and Fábio Lima (ESCS)
The post-graduation course in Communication and Marketing in the Pharmaceutical Industry operates in person and is taught in Portuguese.