ESCS, in partnership with the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon (FLUL), presents the new Postgraduate Program in Creative Industries: Management and Trends, in which the attendance with evaluation will be certified by means of a written certificate endorsed by the directors or presidents of the participating institutions.
With the purpose of continuing and expanding its educational project, ESCS, in partnership with the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon (FLUL), presents a new Postgraduate Program in Creative Industries: Management and Trends. Its main objective is to qualify professionals based on the interdisciplinary study of techniques, processes, and methods, developing their entrepreneurial abilities, to respond to the demand of the creative and cultural sector.
The purpose of this initiative reflects one of the strategic axes of ESCS – the convergence with the business world – and the public policies related to the creative and cultural sector. It combines in a single formative offer, the theoretical/conceptual and practical/experimental dimensions.
CPMCS – Portuguese Confederation of the Media (Media Association that brings together the Portuguese Broadcasting Association, the Daily Press Association and the Portuguese Radio and Television)
POLITEC & ID – Association for the Development of Knowledge and Innovation
The course consists of 2 (two) academic semesters, corresponding to 30 (thirty) weeks, leading up to obtaining 60 (sixty) ECTS, which grants a Postgraduation Diploma in Creative Industries: Management and Trends.
Coordination of the Course:
Coordinator: José Cavaleiro Rodrigues
Subcoordinator: Nelson Pinheiro Gomes and Pedro Braumann
The post-graduation course in Creative Industries: Management and Trends operates in person and is taught in Portuguese.