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Social Responsibility of Media
Submitted by escs on 4 November 2021
Scientific area


Media and Journalism

Responsible Professor
Teaching Staff:
Course Unit Form:

The overall objective of this seminar is to develop and discuss the main issues on the social responsibility of media, encouraging a critical analysis of the behavior of its different actors.

Within this context, students should be able to:

- be within the theoretical framework of the concept of "responsibility" and its pivotal relation with the ethical and deontological principles that guide the media performances, with emphasis on the journalistic field;

- follow contemporary debates on freedom of expression ( professional secrecy and professional codes, the role of judiciary and regulatory bodies), in a perspective that "breaks" with common sense and corporate and professional discourse;

- identify the key challenges faced by media professionals in the current context of technological and organizational change, with particular focus on emerging issues as disinformation/misinformation and social media role.