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Call for Thematic Dossiers

Comunicação Pública, an online academic journal of the School of Communication and Media Studies, hereby invites members of the academic community and researchers to submit proposals for thematic dossiers for publication in the forthcoming numbers of the Journal (2024-2025). Deadline: 15 June 2023.

1. Submission of proposals
Dossier proposals should contain the following items:
1.1. name, title, and institutional affiliation of the organizer(s);
1.2. curricular data of the proponents (maximum 100 words);
1.3. abstract in English and Portuguese (maximum of 600 characters);
1.4. description of the proposal (up to 3500 characters), including the following elements:
• title (in Portuguese and English);
• intended focus and objectives;
• justification of relevance;
• list of relevant bibliographic references about the theme (no more than 10);
• a list of relevant subthemes. Proposals should be submitted in .doc or .docx format for (Subject: Dossier proposal – 2024-2025 selection) until 23:59 on June 15, 2023

2. Assessment criteria
2.1. The dossier organizers must have a PhD and recognized leadership in their area.
2.2. The proposals received will be analysed by the Editorial Committee of Comunicação Pública according to the criteria of this notice.
2.3. The following will be considered as assessment criteria:
• originality, especially in relation to dossiers already published in other volumes of the journal;
• relevance of the proposal to academic discussions;
• clarity and coherence;
• the scope of the proposed theme, in order to foster the national and international diversity of the articles;
• relevance to the Editorial Policy of the Journal.
2.4. Proposals which do not comply with the criteria of the Submission Guidelines will be excluded.
2.5. The Editorial Board will be responsible for the evaluation of dossiers and disclosure of results until September 15, 2023.

3. Evaluation process of dossier proposals and related articles
3.1. Once the dossiers have been approved, Comunicação Pública will make a public call for articles on the themes of the approved dossiers.
3.2. The first stage of the evaluation, the selection of articles pertaining to each dossier, will be under the responsibility of the organizer with the supervision of the Editorial Board.
3.3. The second stage of evaluation, concerning the merit of the articles, will follow the same dynamic of individual articles published by Comunicação Pública (double blind refereeing).
3.4. The third stage, under the responsibility of the organizer, with the supervision of the Editorial Board, is the assembly of the dossier and the respective presentation (introduction).
3.5. Once approved, all dossiers and articles will go into production regardless of the publication order established by the Editorial Board. This standard aims to protect the journal from delays and cancellations.

4. Attributes of the organizers of dossiers approved for publication
It is the responsibility of the organizer (s) of the dossier to:
4.1. publicize the dossier and encourage contributions;
4.2. participate, together with the Editorial Board, in the selection of articles to submit to double blind refereeing; 4.3. prepare a presentation text that problematizes, from the academic point of view, the chosen theme, and frame the selected articles;
4.4. organize the final version of the dossier, with the supervision of the Editorial Board;
4.5. inform the editors about any unforeseen events related to publication.

5. Editorial policy related to the dossiers
5.1. Dossier articles will be submitted to peer review, obeying the same rules of individual articles in accordance with publication Submission Guidelines.
5.2. The Editorial Board is responsible for choosing the publication dates for the dossiers within the given time frame.
5.4. The dossier to be published should obtain at least three articles with favourable peer reviews;
5.5. In case the publication of any of the approved dossiers is not possible, the next one will be invited, and so on if necessary.
5.6. The approved articles of the cancelled dossiers may be published as individual articles to mitigate the problems arising from the cancellation.
5.7. Omissive cases will be analysed by the Editorial Board.