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Contemporary Portugal
Submitted by escs on 2 November 2021
Scientific area


Human Sciences

Responsible teacher
Teachers who teach

Because contemporary history is an indispensable tool to journalism practice, our aim is to foster interest in questioning the past, developing a critical attitude and to fight against monocausal and deterministic explanations.

At the end of this course the student should be able to:

(a) identify and explain the major turning points and the political and institutional developments in the last century, since the implementation of the First Republic until the accession of Portugal to the EEC;

(b) identify the major political actors of contemporary Portugal, providing evidence for a critical reflection on their role in national history.


Identifying the great moments and turning points of Portuguese contemporary history;
Explaining the political-institutional developments in the last century, from the deployment of the I Republic to the accession of Portugal to the EEC;
Identify the major political actors of the contemporary Portugal, providing elements for critical reflection on their role in History, society and national culture;
Debate the Portuguese political system in a historical perspective.