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Business Management
Submitted by escs on 3 November 2021
Scientific area


Social Sciences

Responsible Professor
Teaching Staff:
Course Unit Form:

1. Understand the basic concepts related to the Management and the respective functional areas

2. Identify the main functional areas of Management, present in the majority of organizations, and how they are related to each other

3. Understand the role of Organizations, Management and Managers and identify the main theories regarding the evolution of Management thinking

4. Understand the financial information released by the most of corporations, use the main methods and techniques of financial and economic analysis and assess and diagnose the financial and economic situation of corporations

5. Assess the role and the function of Human Resources in the structure of a certain corporation and understand the main styles of leadership

6. Recognize the role and the function of Production Management on corporations

7. Recognize the need of innovation any corporation, mainly in a changing world, and identify the main methods and techniques to analyse and assess new projects and business