The Communication, Strategies and Creativity line focuses its activity within the field of communication practice involving organizations and stakeholders while crossing different knowledge areas – organizational communication, public relations, marketing, corporative culture and advertising.
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Ana Raposo (
The Research Line 2 integrates the following research projects:
Name: +LONGE: Consumption and Ageism: Expectations, Cultural Meanings, and Stereotypes in Advertising for Senior Consumers
Synopsis: Adopting a cross-cultural perspective and employing a mixed-methods research approach, this project aims to examine the relationship of seniors (60+) with information and communication technologies and advertising, as well as to analyze their consumer journey in different cultural contexts (Iberian and North American).
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Sandra Miranda (
Project Status: Active
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Name: DOC-EDU: Perspectives on the initiation to reading and writing. From production to communication of an educational audiovisual resource
Synopsis: The project DOC-EDU: Perspectives on the initiation to reading and writing aims to create and develop a reflexive documentary on the process of initiation to reading and writing.
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Joana Souza (
Project Status: Active
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Name: CoLab Games, digital platform for the customisation of analogue games
Synopsis: The primary goal of the 'CoLab Games' project is to develop a collaborative platform that facilitates the custom creation of analogue games incorporating digital content. These games are intended for use in communication, literacy, and citizenship contexts.
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Filipa Lopes (
Project Status: Active
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Name: Digital Communication and Digital Marketing: a cross-cultural learning experience between PT and USA
Synopsis: In today's rapidly evolving global landscape, digital corporate communication and digital marketing have emerged as indispensable tools that transcend cultural, societal, corporate, and academic boundaries. Culturally, digital platforms have facilitated unprecedented cultural exchange and understanding, enabling individuals from diverse backgrounds to connect, share, and appreciate each other's traditions and perspectives. Societally, digital communication has reshaped how we interact with organizations, mobilize for social causes, or stay informed, while digital marketing has transformed consumer behavior and expectations, impacting everything from product discovery to brand loyalty. In the corporate realm, digital strategies have become pivotal for organizations of different sectors and areas, enhancing stakeholder’s relationships and engagement, market reach, and profitability. Academically, the study of digital communication and marketing has become a vital field, providing insights into emerging trends to guide future professionals as they navigate this dynamic landscape. In sum, the relevance of digital communication and marketing today is paramount, influencing how we communicate, connect, and conduct business on a global scale while shaping the academic discourse surrounding these transformative phenomena.
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Sandra Miranda (
Project Status: Active
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Name: FLOW: Facing Obstacles to well-being in the Academia, can organizational communication be a starting point? (with reference IPL/IDI&CA2023/FLOW_ESCS)
Synopsis: This project aims to understand how Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) promote, through their communication, the well-being of students, as well as their literacy about it. By carrying out two qualitative studies, this project gives a voice to people HEIs communication managers and students from different HEIs in Portugal.
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Rita Monteiro Mourão (
Project Status: Active
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Name: SWOT Analysis of Mentori@IPL Program Communication. Contributions for Greater Student Adherence
Synopsis: A multidisciplinary team proposes, through a mixed exploratory research, to analyze the communication of the Mentori@IPL – Interpeer Mentoring Program of the Polytechnic of Lisbon, with the goal of understanding the most effective communication strategies to increase student.
Coordinator: Prof. Alexandra David (
Project Status: Active
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Name: PMEINCoope: The application of social capital theory in the study of innovation capacity through coopetition by SMEs inserted in sectoral clusters
Synopsis: This project focuses on coopetition, a term that defines a strategy in which companies collaborate with competitors. The main objective of the project is to understand how coopetition can contribute to radical and/or incremental innovation by small and medium-sized companies inserted in sectoral clusters.
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Nuno Tiago Baptista (
Project Status: Active
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Name: BIGTECHCon: Consumerism activism and anti-consumption in a context of significant market power by big-tech companies
Synopsis: The main goal of the project is to understand the current response of the consumer movement to the excessive market power of big-tech companies and to evaluate the relationship between deliberate anti-consumption of big-tech services and the consumer´s well-being and happiness.
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Nuno Tiago Baptista (
Project Status: Concluded
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Name: Communication on Climate: from the concept of Change to the concept of Crisis
Synopsis: From “change” to “crisis”, it represents the biggest change in climate communication in recent years. In a pragmatic view of the world, a convergent mixed methods approach is chosen in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data to document this change and to understand its importance in the communication/action of 10 Portuguese companies.
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Mafalda Eiró-Gomes (
Project Status: Concluded
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Name: SHIFT – Sustainability-oriented, Highly interactive, and Innovation-based Framework for Tourism marketing
Synopsis: Project with a multidisciplinary approach that aims to develop a theoretical framework taking into account the current challenges of tourism such as sustainability, digitization, and post-pandemic consumer behavior, for a new paradigm of collaborative digital marketing in tourism. The theoretical framework will address how tourism agents can transition to this new paradigm by identifying the necessary preconditions, agents, their motivations, processes, and expected results. The project also includes the empirical validation of the theoretical models to be developed and a prototype of a collaborative digital marketing platform to explore, in a pragmatic approach, how the validated models can be implemented.
Coordinator: Teresa Costa, Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal (
Coordinator IPL-ESCS: Prof. PHD João Rosário (
Project Status: Active
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Name: Business-to-Business: Beyond Business Communication (B2B-BBC)
Synopsis: Following applied research, this project aims to understand the role of the strategic communication within the relationship management of the national B2B exporting companies with their stakeholders, after the pandemic. Moreover, an action plan will be designed, in order to empower the knowledge in the communication field of the companies.
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Ana Raposo (
Project Status: Concluded
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Name: Living Lab Ethical-Sustainable Consumer Behavior Before and After the COVID Pandemic
Synopsis: Living Lab of the ethical-sustainable behavior of the Portuguese consumer in the face of the changes caused by the COVID 19 pandemic, having as one of its goals to know the attitudes and behavior of consumers towards ethical-sustainable consumption before and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Another goal is to achieve an adjustment between demand and the respective offer, enabling and promoting, through digitization, the existence of short chains and the enhancement and promotion of the marketing of products/services and suppliers, thus promoting sustainability in all its strands.
Fund: Polytechnic of Lisbon (IPL)
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Maria José dos Santos (
Project Status: Concluded
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Name: Seniors in networking, engagement, and digital literacy
Synopsis: This project aims to strengthen scientific production in the area of digital literacy and communication for seniors, bearing in mind not only its added value to the academic, professional, and business community but also in the way it fosters cooperation between science and citizens – reinforcing the role of citizen science.
Fund: Polytechnic of Lisbon (IPL)
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Sandra Miranda (
Project Status: Active
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Name: Sustainable Youth Tourism: Identification of Clusters in Generation Z
Synopsis: The project focuses more on Generation Z and advocates three objectives: 1) to characterize Tourist Z, from the point of view of its guiding values; 2) identify Z Tourists profiles, as current and future targets of differentiated tourism strategies; 3) confirm, in the light of the identified profiles, the existence of market segments more associated with sustainability values and, consequently, more prone to the search for sustainable tourist offers. To identify the different profiles, two dimensions will be used: “guiding values” and “meanings” attributed to tourist travel.
Fund: Polytechnic of Lisbon (IPL)
Coordinator: Prof. PHD João Rosário (
Project Status: Concluded
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Name: Medium Companies and Corporate Communication
Synopsis: The aim of this project is to understand the practices and needs of SMEs, which represent 99.9% of the Portuguese business fabric, in terms of institutional communication/public relations. The theoretical line of investigation is pragmatist in nature and the population under analysis are ANPME (National Association of Small and Medium Enterprises) members in the agricultural, industrial, and tourism sectors.
Fund: Polytechnic of Lisbon (IPL)
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Mafalda Eiró-Gomes (
Project Status: Concluded
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Name: Smart Tourist Attractions Assessment
Synopsis: The SmarTuris project aims to assess Tourist Attractions in their “Smart” dimension in the cities of Lisbon and Barcelona, through surveys administered to those responsible for managing these attractions and to the tourists visiting them.
Fund: Polytechnic of Lisbon (IPL)
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Ana Teresa Machado (
Project Status: Concluded
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Name: Brand Communication on Social Media: Engagement Predictors
Synopsis: Project with the goal of validating the predictors of fan involvement with the Facebook pages of their favorite brands, through a methodological triangulation using qualitative and quantitative methods.
Fund: Polytechnic of Lisbon (IPL)
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Ana Teresa Machado (
Project Status: Concluded
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Name: Communication in CSO: from Knowledge to Recognition
Synopsis: This project aims to understand how the role of communication in the construction of the identity of Civil Society Organizations (CSO) is understood. In this way, we look to understand how communication management contributes to the knowledge and recognition of these organizations among their main stakeholders and, specifically, among the communities in which they operate.
Fund: Polytechnic of Lisbon (IPL)
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Mafalda Eiró-Gomes (
Project Status: Concluded
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Name: “Communication” in Sports Federations: the State of the Art in Portugal
Synopsis: Este Projeto que tem como objetivo compreender o papel da comunicação na construção da identidade das Federações com estatuto de utilidade pública desportiva. Assim, é analisado o entendimento que os dirigentes destas organizações fazem do papel e funções dos profissionais de comunicação estratégica no âmbito das mesmas.
Fund: Polytechnic of Lisbon (IPL)
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Mafalda Eiró-Gomes (
Project Status: Concluded
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Name: Assessment of the tourist attractiveness of the city of Lisbon: Sentiments & Performance, two methodological approaches
Synopsis: Obtaining insights into the competitiveness of the city of Lisbon in terms of attractiveness as a tourist destination through two methodological approaches, Sentiment Analysis (feedback from tourists visiting the most visited museums and monuments in Lisbon) and Importance/Performance Model (evaluation of importance and performance of a set of characteristics of a city as a tourist destination).
Fund: Polytechnic of Lisbon (IPL)
Coordinator: Prof. PHD João Rosário (
Project Status: Concluded
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Name: Nutrition in the palm of your hand: Engagement, communication, and impact of the applications
Synopsis: The project aims to deepen knowledge about the relationship between mobile technology, nutrition, and engagement and explore, among others, the role of mobile nutrition applications in the nutritionist-patient communication and in the adoption of healthy eating behaviors.
Fund: Polytechnic of Lisbon (IPL)
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Ana Cristina Antunes (
Project Status: Concluded
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Name: Observatory of Health and Beauty Advertising
Synopsis: The project embodies the creation of an Advertising Observatory which aims to assess the adaptation of advertising to social trends, namely the growing concern with health linked to food and beauty. In particular, it is intended to study the advertising of food and beauty products whose appeals are centered on health values, as well as the adaptation of the advertising messages of these product categories to new content and media.
Fund: Polytechnic of Lisbon (IPL)
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Jorge Veríssimo (
Project Status: Concluded
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Name: Communication and Corporate Citizenship (3Cs)
Synopsis: This project aims to understand, reflect, and discuss how the companies associated with GRACE – Reflection and Support Group for Corporate Citizenship understand the concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Impact, and Corporate Citizenship, as well as how they comply with the desideratum of “Corporate Responsibility, Social Investment or Corporate Citizenship” and how they express this mission, identifying the strategies, tactics, and actions that support it.
Fund: Polytechnic of Lisbon (IPL)
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Mafalda Eiró-Gomes (
Project Status: Concluded
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