FLOW: Facing Obstacles to well-being in the Academia, can organizational communication be a starting point? (with reference IPL/IDI&CA2023/FLOW_ESCS) project belongs to Research Line 2 — Communication, Strategies and Creativity.
Synopsis: This project aims to understand how Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) promote, through their communication, the well-being of students, as well as their literacy about it. By carrying out two qualitative studies, this project gives a voice to people HEIs communication managers and students from different HEIs in Portugal.
Funding: project funded by the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (IPL)
Coordinator: Prof. PHD Rita Monteiro Mourão (rmourao@escs.ipl.pt)
State of the Project: Concluded
Research Team:
Cláudia Pacheco (Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre)
Élmano Ricarte (IADE-European University)
Inês Sousa (ISCTE-IUL)
Ivone Ferreira (NOVA University of Lisbon)
Jaime Lourenço (Autonomous University of Lisbon)
Milton Cappelletti (IADE-European University)
Pedro Marques Gomes (ESCS-IPL)
Sandra Miranda (ESCS-IPL)
Sónia Silva (UTAD and Catholic University)
Susana Mourão (Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa)
Academic Federation of Lisbon (FAL)
GT of Young Researchers from SOPCOM (Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences)
• Publications:
Mourao, R., Sousa , I., Pacheco , C., Mourão , S., Miranda, S., & Silva , S. (2024). There is an urgent need to talk about well-being in Higher Education Institutions: What is the role of public relations and organizational communication?. International Journal of Public Relations, 14(28), 185–206. https://doi.org/10.5783/revrrpp.v14i28.867
• Communications:
MOURAO, R.; MOURAO, S.; SOUZA, I. C.; PACHECO, C.; SILVA, S.; MIRANDA, S. Claudia Pacheco, C.; Ricarte, E.; FERREIRA, I.; Lawrence, J.; Cappelletti, M.; GOMES, P. M.; Silva, S. (2024). Congress "Better communication, more well-being in Higher Education institutions (23 MAY 2024 • SCHOOL OF COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIES)". Organization: Team Research Project “FLOW: Facing Obstacles to Well-being in Academia, is organizational communication a starting point?”. https://www.escs.ipl.pt/sites/default/files/2024-03/Call-Congresso_ProjInv-FLOW.pdf
Mourão, R.; Mourão, S.; Sousa, I.C.; Pacheco, C.; Silva, S.; Miranda, S. (2024). Organizational communication in Higher Education Institutions: What are the consequences for student well-being? Universidade do Minho (Braga, Portugal); – 10th European Communication Conference (Eslovénia). https://ecrea2024ljubljana.eu/.
Mourão, R. Pacheco, C., Gomes, P., Cappelletti, M., & Ricarte, E. (2024). Será a comunicação organizacional promotora de bem-estar nas Instituições de Ensino Superior? Refletindo sobre as opiniões dos estudantes (IPL/IDI&CA2023/FLOW_ESCS) no XIII Congresso da SOPCOM, Universidade do Minho;
Mourão, R., Mourão, S., Miranda, S., Silva, S., & Ferreira, I. (2024). Comunicar para promover o bem-estar: uma análise às estratégias de comunicação das Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) em Portugal (IPL/IDI&CA2023/FLOW_ESCS) no XIII Congresso da SOPCOM, Universidade do Minho;