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Media Management
Submitted by escs on 4 November 2021
Scientific area


Media and Journalism

Responsible Professor
Teaching Staff:
Course Unit Form:

The purpose is to achieve the following goals:

Introduce to the student the concept and problematic of the economic and business environment of the media activity, in the context of the internal and external variables which influence the business, the management and the market;

Determine the specificity and influence of the knowledge of the environment - of the organizations - for decision-making of companies and creative products, being strategic or operational;

Knowing concepts, principles, techniques and business models and the management of media organizations and allow a global vision of the business, financing and market of the journalistic products; 

Promote values and behavioural and entrepreneurial competitive attitudes and develop a close relationship between the student and the job market;

Potentiate the active participation in class and development of practical and theoretical works;

And share experiences, knowledge and identify competitive business models.