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Economic Analysis
Submitted by escs on 3 November 2021
Scientific area


Social Sciences

Responsible Professor
Course Unit Form:

1. Identify the object of Economy and their relationship with other Social Sciences

2. Understand the functioning of economic activity

3. Promote a critical thinking regarding the current social, economic and environmental problems

4. Perceive the behaviour of economic agents in a market environment

5. Recognize the profit maximization methodology adopted by most of companies

6. Analyse the adoption of different policy measures and its effects on real economy


In the area of microeconomics, the chair will look at the behaviour of economic actors in context of shortages and in market environment (demand, supply and interaction between both). It will further study the form of profit maximization adopted by the generality of companies, irrespective of the market structure where they are inserted (perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly).
It will be further discussed the concept of public, semi-public and private goods and interests.
In the area of the macro economy, the chair will present the main macroeconomic aggregates (GDP, Inflation, Unemployment, Consumption, Investment, Exports, Imports, Budget Balance, Balance of the Trade Balance, among others) and will study how these interact and undergo changes in the face of the adoption of various policy measures (tax policy, for example).