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Research and Evaluation in Public Relations
Submitted by escs on 3 November 2021
Scientific area


Public Relations and Organizational Communication

Responsible Professor
Teaching Staff:
Course Unit Form:

- Students should be enabled to get knowledge and develop their competencies in order to be able to create and implement research and evaluation plans in PR.

- Students should be able, at the end of the seminar, to understand the basic framework of qualitative research in communication.

Students should be able:

- to develop their competencies in qualitative research both in applied communication and professional settings. -

understand, identify and develop different kind of research in PR.

- understand evaluation methodologies that will enable the development of better communication practices in any organisation.

- create and develop a research plan (getter the data as well as analysing and interpretation of them).

- understand the methods to evaluate the environment in order to identify opportunities and straights.