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No Ano Letivo 2024-2025, a ESCS disponibiliza um conjunto de disciplinas exclusivamente lecionas em Inglês, para alunos Erasmus+.

On the Academic Year 2024-2025, the school provides a set of subjects exclusively taught in English, for Erasmus+ students.

ECTS Horas Área Científica
Digital Media Laboratory 5 3 EAM
Emerging Journalism Pratice: Artificial Intelligence and Science 5 3 EMJ
Graphic Design 5 3 EAM
History and Politics in the Contemporary World 5 3 CH
Innovation, Technology and Society 5 3 CS
Integrated Communications Laboratory 5 3 ERPCO
Marketing and Communication in English Language 5 3 EPM
Photography 5 3 EAM
Positive Psychology Applied to Advertising 5 3 CH
Video Post-Production 5 3 EAM
ECTS Horas Área Científica
Communication, Information and Social Media Literacy 5 3 EMJ
Freelancer Journalism 5 3 EMJ
English for Journalism 5 3 CH
Globalization and International Marketing 5 3 EPM
Graphic Design 5 3 EAM
Integrated Communications Laboratory 5 3 ERPCO
Marketing and Communication in English Language 5 3 EPM
Perception and Image Theory 5 3 CC