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Submetido por escs a 21 April 2023
Learn by Design

A Direção da ESCS, as Linhas de Investigação da Escola e as coordenações do Mestrado em Publicidade e Marketing, da Licenciatura em Relações Públicas e Comunicação Empresarial e do Mestrado em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas convidam:

Workshop Learn by Design: Using the Design Thinking Process to Improve Critical Thinking Skills

Data: 10 de maio de 2023
Hora: 15h às 16h30
Sala: 2P9

Oradora convidada:
Kristen Shielle (Fulbright Scholar, University of Southern California (EUA))

Enquadramento do workshop:

In every industry, it is critical to understand the real human beings you are serving. In this presentation, I will discuss the philosophy of human-centered design, how it relates to the process of design thinking, and how we as educators can utilize these principles in our courses. I will also provide a practical exercise that you can use to integrate these concepts in your curriculum, and the activity can be easily modified based on your course topic. With this assignment, students will demonstrate their understanding of course concepts, and apply this knowledge to design solutions for real problems. This is an example of a high-impact learning practice that enables students to develop important skills that they will need to be successful in the future. With design thinking, students learn how empathy, critical thinking and collaboration can produce insightful ways to solve problems.

Nota biográfica de Kristen Shielle:

Kristen Schiele received her Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of California, Irvine, and serves on the Board of Directors for the Marketing Educators' Association. She is an Associate Professor of Clinical Marketing in the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. Her primary areas of research include design thinking, digital marketing, and innovations in marketing education, and her work has been published in such journals as Business Horizons, Consumption Markets & Culture, and Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. Dr. Schiele is also co-author of the Mobile Marketing Essentials textbook from Stukent.

Organização: Direção, Linhas de Investigação e coordenações do Mestrado em PM, da Licenciatura em RPCE e do Mestrado em GERP